Positive Vibes Smudge Kit
- 1 White Sage Smudge Stick, 1 Rosemary Smudge Stick, 1 Blue Sage Smudge Stick, 1 Yerba Santa, 1 Cedar, 1 Dragon's Blood Sage, 7 Chakra Sage, 3 Palo Santo Sticks
- This smudge variety is believed to be great to use during meditation, divination, or any time deep spiritual cleansing that you desire
- Palo Santo wood is considered sacred wood for its many beneficial properties on a psychological and physical level: it has a calming effect that brings inner peace and serenity, it restores your inner balance and positive energy. Shamans from the Maya and Incas civilizations used it in ceremonies and rituals for its ability to create a line of communication with the spiritual world.
- Dragon's Blood is considered to be one of the most effective ingredients for a variety of different types of rituals and intentions particularly for those that focus on Love, Power, Purification, Protection and Passion!
- Yerba Santa is believed to be used in traditional smudging practice for protection, purification, healing, spiritual strength, courage, psychic abilities, and finding your innermost self.