News — Solotheraphy

Anyelly Montoya
Resurrection Plant Growth Spell

Resurrection Plant Growth Spell

You will need: . Dried Rose of Jericho. * Piece of paper and pen * Shallow, clear glass bowl * Rose Water *Moss Agate Crystal ... Instructions: 1. Gather your items in a room appropriate for your intentions, like the office for money or careers. 2. Write whatever it is you'd like to see grow on a small square piece of paper, and sign your name. Place the paper under the bowl with your words facing up. 3. Place a single Moss Agate crystal in your bowl. 4. Pour a shallow layer of water into the bowl and add a...

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Anyelly Montoya
Best days to cut your hair according to the moon

Best days to cut your hair according to the moon

Best days to cut your hair according to the moon 💇‍♀️🌕   🌕Full Moon: Beware of impulsive decisions  🌓Waning Moon: Perfect time to make a neat haircut. It will retain its shape longer 🌑New Moon: It's time to change your hairstyle cardinally  🌖Growing Moon: Is a great time to cut the tips of your hair ""for length"". Hair will grow faster    #SoloTherapy #HairCare #HairTips #MoonCalendar #BeautyHair #HairCut 

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Anyelly Montoya
Solo Therapy - Magic ritual to attract love with herbs

Magic ritual to attract love with herbs

Mix the herb well on a Friday night, when the moon is growing 🌒  Divide the herbs into 3 equal parts and use them on the same night, as follows.  1️⃣First part: Take the first part into the garden at night, and throw the herbs up towards the moon and ask the moon to send true love into your life.  2️⃣Second part: Sprinkle the second part in your bedroom.  3️⃣Third part: Sew the third part in a canvas sachet, tie it and carry the sachet always to you, until the love spell has worked its magic. 🛒 Shop the #Herbs...

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Anyelly Montoya
Solo Therapy How To Smudge


Open windows, doors and cabinets in each room. This allows the negative and stagnant energy to disperse. Set a positive intention, prayer, or affirmation that you will say while smudging your space. These can be said out loud or silently. “I cleanse this space of all negative energy and fill it with love”. Use a lighter or candle to light the tip of your smudge stick. Make sure to get a good flame going (around 30 seconds) so that you have enough smoke to smudge. Blow out the flame and lightly wave your hand above the tip of the stick...

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